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What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis most commonly known as excessive sweating. The most common areas affected by hyperhidrosis are the underarms, feet and groin area, hands or palms and the scalp. Excessive sweating can be embarrassing, uncomfortable and socially isolating. Botox, which is often associated with wrinkle reductions, is also an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis. Botox is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to treat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the underarms. It is important to note that before being treated with Botox for excessive underarm sweating, clients should be evaluated by their primary health care provider for other potential causes of the problem that might require other forms of treatment.

How does Botox work for the excessive underarm sweating?

A men looks at his work shirt with sweat circles under the arms.

Botox injections work by blocking the nerve signals responsible for sweating, stopping the sweat glands from producing too much sweat. It typically decreases the underarm moisture by 82%-87% and is considered an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis. Underarm Botox injections can also lessen the smell in the armpits. Botox injections is a completely safe procedure and was approved by the FDA as a safe and effective treatment in 2004.

How long do the results last?

People who receive the treatment can see results in as little as 3-5 days after treatment, however, it will usually take 2 weeks to see the full effects. Depending on the individual the retreatment might be needed in 6 months as the nerve regenerates. Over time, however, clients can go longer between treatments. It can last up to 12 months.

Does Botox in the armpits hurt?

Botox is safe, effective and quick procedure for hyperhidrosis and requires no downtime. Most clients tolerate the injections well and do not require any numbing. However, if you prefer, numbing cream is available and will be offered for your comfort. There is no downtime and you can resume your normal activities after the procedure.

What to expect the day of treatment.

Before your treatment, you will meet with Anna to review your medical history and conditions to determine if this treatment is right for you. Anna will explain the procedure in details, go over risks, side effects, and post care. The treatment usually takes 45 minutes. Anna will inject Botox in a grid pattern in the armpits with each injection being about one centimeter apart and injected just under the skin’s surface with a small needle. For the most part the procedure is well tolerated with very minimum discomfort. Each client is different, but most will need 50 units of Botox in each armpit. More injections (units) may potentially be required to cover the area sufficiently but vary on a per-client basis. There is no recovery time after the procedure and you can resume your normal activities.

How to prepare for Botox for Underarm Sweating?

What to expect immediately after the treatment? What are some of the post treatment

It is not unusual to have some redness and swelling immediately after the treatment. This should subside within an hour or so. It is also normal to see some pinpoint bleeding, this will also resolve quickly. Some may develop bruising and/or sensitivity at the injections sites. This will resolve within the first week after treatment. After the treatment do not massage or apply pressure to the treatment area. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours. It is also advised not have hot bath or shower for the rest of the day. Normal activities could be resumed the following day. Avoid hot tubs, saunas, alcohol, aspirin/NSAID’s for 24 hours after the treatment. Ice can be applied to the area for some comfort if needed.

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